Mourn with those who mourn

It’s impossible to measure the damage that the war has unleashed on Ukraine. We can read the headlines and statistics—crushed buildings and lost lives. But how much worse is the hidden emotional toll that this war is taking on those who are nearest to the tragedy. 

This July God invited us to a unique place: where his goodness and grace meets with tremendous suffering and loss. We were given the opportunity to partner with another ministry by volunteering at a trauma healing camp with the wives and children of fallen soldiers. 

The camp took place in the beautiful Carpathian Mountains (about as far from the war as possible), where the serenity of God’s creation made room for women to meet their grief face to face. Not alone, but with safe people standing beside them, praying for them, and lifting their pain to our heavenly Father who cares so deeply. 

The focus of the camp was on rest and trauma healing for these women and their children. Apart from morning and evening worship and teaching, the women were encouraged to relax and enjoy the peaceful mountains. Two massage therapists had come along and volunteered their services to all who wanted. The widows also had access to seminars and sessions with trained trauma therapists.

Meanwhile, Mary and I (apart from being available to listen and support throughout the day) were tasked with leading a small group of teenagers. Each morning we would gather to read and discuss a Bible story that would remind them that God sees and cares. 

Our time at this camp included both encouraging and challenging conversations. We saw God working in the hearts of women and children. He also worked in our own hearts, teaching us what it means to “mourn with those who mourn.” 

Overall, the camp was a heavy time emotionally. But God was there. The team shared the truth of the gospel and sowed hope amidst grief. The families went home thanking the volunteers for being present and providing this chance to rest and process trauma.




Embracing Flexibility